December 19, 2014

Chocolate & Espresso B-Day Cake

Chocolate & Espresso B-Day Cake
Am I the only one so excited about every new cake I make?  I always say that exactly this particular cake is the best I have ever made! There is something magical about making a cake. First of all, cakes are beautiful. Secondly, you never know exactly whether it all will go right. Sometimes it just doesn't work (especially on the stage of making a frosting - I own that frostings are my weak point). But the most thrilling part is assembling. Actually, I never know how my cake will look like. I can picture every detail in my head and live with it for a week. But when the time comes and I begin layering the cake, usually I end up with something completely different. Isn't it magic? Magic of creation.
Chocolate & Espresso B-Day Cake

November 08, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies - This is a Sweet Blog
I have to confess.
I have never in my life made chocolate chip cookies!!
The easiest recipe you could only imagine, chocolate chip cookies are something that even  child can make. I'd say that these cookies are what children learn to bake in the first place. And now it is my turn.

October 20, 2014

Pumpkin Cake with Mascarpone Frosting & Chocolate Ganache

Pumpkin Cake with Mascarpone Frosting & Chocolate Gahache
Where are my 36 hours a day?! It is unfair! Because I am literally short of time. As were promised in my last post, this Sunday was devoted for pumpkin baking. But I just hadn't have any chance to make up a few sentences and to edit the photos. And right now instead of learning by heart the Universal declaration of human rights in both German and Ukrainian languages (can you only imagine that? crazy, right?!), I am writing about this cake. Pumpkin cake with Mascarpone frosting and Chocolate Ganache. And you know why am I so irresponsible? Because I can't wait any second longer to share the recipe for this cake with you, guys!!! When I told you that this cake was the best I ever made, I was so wrong! Without doubt Pumpkin cake steals the show.!

October 13, 2014

Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins with Walnut Crumble Topping

I' ve been planing the whole week to bake some pumpkin pie, cheesecake, scones, is a pumpkin season still. I fell asleep and woke up with thousands ideas in my head. I even had some sketches of the future photos. But this weekend everything changed abruptly. My parents decided to visit grandparents. And since my granny has a rather impressive garden with a not less impressive butternut squash harvest, I thought it would be way better to use a homegrown pumpkin instead of a store-bought.... So, my excuses, but the pumpkin post is going to come into the world only in a week. Nevertheless, this week I have something really special.

October 04, 2014

Citrus Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting and Candied Oranges {the best ever cake}

Citrus Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting and Candied Oranges {the best ever cake}

I like to get presents. Who doesn't? But I like to give presents more. I think a gift can tell about the person even more that his/her deeds. Present is a mirror of  relationships, it shows the attitude and reveals the feelings. It doesn't matter what the price is. Some gifts are priceless and cost nothing, as much as there are costly and fancy presents, that do not mean anything and have no special significance. 

September 30, 2014

Pear Bundt Cake with Caramel Glaze

Pear Bundt Cake with Caramel Glaze: This is a Sweet Blog
Pear Bundt Cake with Caramel Glaze: This is a Sweet Blog
Autumn is good. Especially in late September - early October. When you do not miss summer anymore and you are completely Ok with the fact, that it is actually autumn. I would even say, it is the time when you actually enjoy autumn. 'Cause it is just perfect now. 
I like crispy air in the morning. I like walking in the park, adoring the beauty of the trees. And after such a long walks you feel fresh and a little bit cold. So the best place to go afterwards is a lovely, cozy coffee house, where you can drink mugs of coffee, tea or cocoa (even better!!!) and get warm. Oh, Gosh! How could I forget about the dessert?! Inexcusable, to put it mildly!