Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts

July 02, 2015

Buckwheat Poppy Seed Pancakes with Blueberries (GF & SF)

Buckwheat Poppy Seed Pancakes with Blueberries (gluen and sugar free)

I did it... I have finally passed all summer term examinations! To say that I am happy is to say nothing! Yesterday I just spent the whole day in bed, sleeping after a farewell party, reading a book in between and planning out summer holidays.  About that, in two weeks I am leaving for Germany for a month! I am so so so excited. I wanted to spend summer holidays somewhere far from home to distract the mind, so I hope this journey will be a bit of change for me. I am gonna stay in Dresden, though I really want to travel the country a lot. And also I thought about spending a few days in Prague. So, if some of you feel like sharing a cup of coffee with me, it would be a pleasure!

I made these pancakes something like a week ago, when I was preparing for examinations. These are a great healthy, nutritious and gluten-free breakfast. I have cooked with buckwheat flour for the first time and I have to say that the nutty taste of buckwheat is just amazing! I am already experimenting with buckwheat in different recipes and hope to share the results in the upcoming posts. 

June 26, 2015

Black Forest Cake Light (Sugar Free) and a Blog Birthday

Black Forest Cake Light (Sugar Free)
Black Forest Cake Light (Sugar Free)

This is a Sweet Blog turns ONE today! First blog birthday! First anniversary! 

I couldn't even imagine that this blog would take such a significant part of my life. As a matter of fact, I couldn't imagine that I could have a blog at all! Since I can remember my passion for cooking, I have always been reading other food blogs and I always thought that it would be so nice one day to have my own. However, I have never taken it seriously and it seemed to be just another unrealisable dream.

June 01, 2015

Gluten & Sugar - Free Healthy Orange Cheesecake

Gluten & Sugar - Free Healthy Orange Cheesecake
Gluten & Sugar - Free Healthy Orange Cheesecake

I have  made this cheesecake for the very first time in the beginning of May. Since than I've made it three more times, almost every weekend. And all this time I have been wanting to share the recipe with you so badly! 

The first time  I made this cheesecake, it was absolutely spontaneous. I happen to have 2 kg of the really good quality farmer cheese . Me + 2 kg of farmer cheese = baking.  I decided it must be a cheesecake, because actually I had been craving  after it for some time back than. So, when I had an opportunity to bake a lighter version, I didn't have to think twice. There was just a tiny problem - I was left without my camera for the whole week, so obviously no pictures - no post. However, it may have been even for the better, since I have improved the recipe afterwards.

I am not gonna lie, it was a wild month.  Every time I had made a cheesecake, there always were some obstacles in the way to hinder me from sharing the recipe. At first, I didn't have camera, then came an examination week, right after it - my birthday, the celebration of which have dragged on for the whole week! Yeah, now I am 20, by the way!

During all May this cheesecake has been my true saviour and a great friend. It is a perfect snack when I crave for something sweet, though it is flourless and sugar-free! I hope you will fall in love with it like I did. 

P.S. Do you also feel like a criminal when you pick the flowers in the public place?

August 16, 2014

White Peach & Lime Sangria + Fruit Ice Cubes

White Peach & Lime Sangria + Fruit Ice Cubes
It seems like the terrible heat decided that it is enough of mockery. At least it decided to take a timeout for a couple of days. Plus meteorologists forecast decrease of temperature to 20-25 degrees Celsius.  This is the most joyful news lately, really I haven't been so glad about anything during this week! And I  dunno if it was possible to survive without an air-conditioner. (thank you Willis Carrier for one of the most necessary inventions of the contemporary society!).

August 12, 2014

Flourless Swedish Chocolate Cake KLADDKAKA + gifs I won't be too much wordy. Because I fail words to express my feelings about this cake. The most rich flavored chocolate cake I ever had in my life. Sticky when warm, becomes dense when chilled. Accomplished with fresh berries and slightly powdered with confectioner's sugar. I'm irreversibly for good and all in love.
Flourless Swedish Chocolate Cake KLADDKAKA + gifs recipe thisisasweetblog
Be ready for your life to change. Really. I warned you.

August 02, 2014

Berry Summer Cake

Summer Berry Cake

Until I began cooking almost every day, I had no idea of failures on the kitchen. I often heard from others about overbeaten frosting, underbaked cake, overdone pancakes...and so many different things, but it had never happened to me until I decided to make this cake. I had a lot of berries, which I needed to use (I tried to eat them all...but it appeared to be pointless))). I found the recipe. It  seemed very easy to make, minimum ingredients - flour, butter, sugar, eggs . With absolute certainty that in an hour I will have a summer cake on my table, I went to the kitchen, turned on the music (as I usually do) and ....Oh, how wrong I was!

June 27, 2014

Berry Tart (sugar free!)

summer berry tart sugar free recipe
This day has finally come! I've finished all of my exams. And it means that I am totally free till the end of summer. Two. TWo. TWO!!! months of long wished holiday!

The past two months were crazy. Sleepless nights, exhausting days. I felt that I could no more distinguish them.  I lived 24/7. So yeah...I can not describe you with the words my feelings right now. You just had to see me a few hours ago. You know, when neurosis is replaced by laughter, then access of tenderness....and laughter again...

summer berry tart sugar free recipe